I. SERIES (1-5)

The Stork’s Wedding, ISBN 978-83-64650-34-5
Muckerella, ISBN 978-83-64650-32-1
Alice the Malice, ISBN 978-83-64650-30-7
Miss Monkey, ISBN 978-83-61650-31-4
The Teacher, ISBN 978-83-64650-33-8

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Illustrated by: Małgorzata Piskunowicz
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Beata Podwojska
Translated by: Tim Brombley
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper: 350g/m2, (colour 4+4)

Miss Monkey is a perverse story about a monkey that, despite being a sweet creature, is also a prankster and a joker.

The Teacher is the story of an over-smart cockerel who wanted to teach everyone about culture and good behaviour. But the biggest surprise was that he wasn’t well-mannered and cultured himself. If you want to find out who the real teacher was – read this book.

The Stork’s Wedding shows us how our dreams and ideas about ourselves can overwhelm our natural capabilities and make others laugh. When our ambitions are beyond what we’re capable of, we become simply ridiculous. Read on!

Muckerella Usually all kids love to have a bath, but there are some that don’t like caring about their hygiene. If there is an exception in the world, this book is just about her.

Alice the Malice is about a girl who was unbearable for everyone. Sometimes we’re rude to others for no reason whatsoever. We don’t know why we do it, but we later regret it and apologize. Read on!


In each booklet besides literary content, you will find a set of 20 questions / tasks for the child. A child can color yourself a book and solve tasks of drawing or other. Activity books very well help parents to spend creative time with your child.

Muckerella, ISBN 978-83-64650-54-3
Miss Monkey, ISBN 978-83-64650-52-9
The Teacher, ISBN 978-83-64650-50-5
The Stork’s Wedding, ISBN 978-83-64650-53-6
Alice the Malice, ISBN 978-83-64650-51-2

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Illustrated by: Małgorzata Piskunowicz
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Beata Podwojska
Translated by: Tim Brombley
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 270g/m2 (colour 4+1)
Paper (content): 170 g/m2 (colour 1+1)

III. SERIES (11-15)

Magpie Love, ISBN 978-83-64650-62-8
A Din in the Yard, ISBN 978-83-64650-61-1
Pat and his Cat, ISBN 978-83-64650-63-5
Tessa Toad’s Specials, ISBN 978-83-64650-64-2
The Ladybird, ISBN 978-83-64650-60-4

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Beata Podwojska
Translated by: Andrew Correa
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper: 350g/m2, (colour 4+4)

Magpie Love When we’re in love, we can get very preoccupied like this magpie who fancies someone. This funny story quite accurately captures how every person in love could lose their mind if they’re not careful, and what a tragedy that would be as we’ve only got one.

A Din in the Yard is a poem for children, full of the onomatopoeic sounds of the most popular farm animals. If you want to find yourself on a farm for a while, definitely start reading this book.

Pat and his Cat is a mischievous story about what’s really important in life. It’s about the fact that the human vision of the world is not the only point of view. Oh, you’re in for a surprise when you read this poem.

Tessa Toad’s Specials Do you like specials? And who doesn’t? When we’ve got the better of our emotions, are we always satisfied with what we’ve got? We are pleased, because no one likes admitting that they’ve been had through their own fault.

Ladybird Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t like ladybirds? I don’t think there is. This booklet is about these impossibly charming, beautiful creatures who are the nicest in the world. Is there anyone who doesn’t agree?


In each booklet besides literary content, you will find a set of 20 questions / tasks for the child. A child can color yourself a book and solve tasks of drawing or other. Activity books very well help parents to spend creative time with your child.

The Ladybird, ISBN 978-83-64650-95-6
A Dine in the Yard, ISBN 978-83-64650-96-3
Pat and his Cat, ISBN 978-83-64650-97-0
Tessa Toad’s Specials, ISBN 978-83-64650-98-7
Magpie Love, ISBN 978-83-64650-99-4

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Beata Podwojska
Translated by: Andrew Correa
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 270g/m2 (colour 4+1)
Paper (content): 170 g/m2 (colour 1+1)

V. SERIES (20-25)

Giggleand, ISBN 978-83-65491-20-6
The magic wand, ISBN 978-83-65491-24-4
Lola, the fool of fools, ISBN 978-83-65491-23-7
The two kings, ISBN 978-83-64650-21-3
Little Idea and the factory of pom pom hats, ISBN 978-83-64650-22-0

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Translated by: Andrew Correa
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 175 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)

VI. SERIES (26-31)

Mr. Meddlesome, ISBN 978-83-66019-22-5
Honey bear, ISBN 978-83-66019-20-1
Jack and Vick, ISBN 978-83-66019-17-1
The owl, ISBN 978-83-66019-21-8
Furry confectionery, ISBN 978-83-66019-18-8
Fishy cat business, ISBN 978-83-66019-19-5

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Scientific editor: dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer prof. UP (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Translated by: Kochanowska Sylwia; Paweł Jaroszyński; Robert Brodowicz
Language consultation: dr Jodi Greig (University of Michigan)
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)

VII. SERIES (32-39)


The sassy snowman’s sprining story, ISBN 978-83-66351-10-3
The muck of luck, ISBN 978-83-66019-98-0
Slime worth a dime, ISBN 978-83-66019-97-3
(A tough pill to) Swallow, ISBN 978-83-66351-12-7
Frivolous swallows, ISBN 978-83-66351-11-0
Who may soothe the sweet tooth?, ISBN 978-83-66351-14-1
Johnny’s dinner party, ISBN 978-83-66019-99-7
Nail soup, ISBN 978-83-66351-13-4

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Scientific editor: dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer prof. UP (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Translated by: Katarzyna Zduń, Michał Koczorowski, Miachał Rataj, Monika Ignaciak, Kasjana Tkaczyk, Mateusz Król, Katarzyna Smoter, Marcelina Zielińska
Language consultation: Argos Translations Sp. z o.o. w Krakowie
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)

VIII Series

A Mole and a Mouse, ISBN 978-83-66351-42-4
An Ostrich, ISBN 978-83-66351-43-1
Furred tricksters, ISBN 978-83-66351-44-8
Hippo, ISBN 978-83-66351-45-5
Mike in a barbershop, ISBN 978-83-66351-48-6
Who lives in the fairy tale?, ISBN 978-83-66351-51-6

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Scientific editor: dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer prof. UP (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Translated by: Karolina Berdechowska, Anna Gwóźdź, Jakub Urbański, Dominika Wójcik, Arkadiusz Palac, Małgorzata Mleszak
Proofreading: Argos Multilingual
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)

IX Series

Stanisław Jachowicz, Ill Mr Kitty, ISBN 978-83-66351-46-2
Aleksander Fredro, Jimmmy and Timmy, ISBN 978-83-66351-47-9
Aleksander Fredro, Monkey in the bath, ISBN 978-83-66351-49-3
Maria Konopnicka, Stevie Boaster, ISBN 978-83-66351-50-9

Scientific editor: dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer prof. UP (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Translated by: Patrycja Pięta, Weronika Nadolnik,Maria Janicka, Katarzyna Zima
Proofreading: Argos Multilingual
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)

X Series

The Adventures of Carmel, A Bone of Contention, ISBN 978-83-67097-02-4
The Adventures of Carmel, A Trip to the Countryside, ISBN 978-83-67097-04-8
The Adventures of Carmel, A Winter Walk, ISBN 978-83-67097-11-6
The Adventures of Carmel, A Bath, ISBN 978-83-67097-03-1
The Adventures of Carmel, The Great Fear, ISBN 978-83-67097-08-6
The Adventures of Carmel, An Accident, ISBN 978-83-67097-05-5
The Adventures of Carmel, A Spring Stroll, ISBN 978-83-67097-09-3
The Adventures of Carmel, An Adventure with a Book, ISBN 978-83-67097-07-9

The Adventures of Carmel, Hi, it’s me, ISBN 978-83-67097-06-2
The Adventures of Carmel, Home Alone, ISBN 978-83-67097-10-9

Author: Daniel Sikorski
Scientific editor: dr hab. Agnieszka Gicala prof. UP (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie),

Supervision: dr Mira Czarnecka (Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie)
Translated by: Klaudia Piasecka, Barbara Ćwikła, Dominika Dobranowska, Karolina Kojs, Magdalena Fabijańska, Dominika Cetnarowska, Marcin Byrski, Anna Wardzała
Proofreading: Argos Multilingual
Illustrations and Graphic Design: Gerard Śmiechowski
Genre: poems for children
Size: 150 mm x 150 mm
Binding: saddle stitch
Volume: 12 pages (10 content + 2 cover)
Paper (cover): 350g/m2 (colour 4+4)